22 Social Media Content Ideas to Drive Engagement in 2020

Social media has changed how we live and do business.

Business owners understand that their current and prospective customers are on social media so that’s where they need to be to reach them.

But this is much easier said than done.

You may have been able to get lots of followers to your pages initially, but the real work is staying consistent and growing these profiles. And if you aren’t posting engaging content, your followers will become uninterested and won’t convert.

They may even decide to unfollow your accounts.

In fact, a recent study from Sprout Social suggests that 41% of people unfollow a brand on social media because they feel the information isn’t relevant to them. And 46% of users unfollow a brand because it posts too much, while 18% of people unfollow a brand because it doesn’t post enough.

You certainly don’t want to fall into one of these categories. So, here’s 22 fresh social media content ideas to drive engagement and traffic in 2020.


  1. Behind the scenes photos

  2. Gifs and animations (See how we do it here.)

  3. Professional photography (nothing compares to professional photography. Tip: plan out your promotions for the year and have all photography shot to support help support it. We like to shoot all Holiday content in September which helps with planning and eliminating stress!)

  4. Tap into fun holidays like National Doughnut Day and Best Friends Day

  5. Host a giveaway (loop giveaways are our favorite!)

  6. Shoutouts on Instastories (Shoutout your favorite creators/businesses on Instastories—just make sure it aligns with your brand.)

  7. Employee spotlight (See how we feature stylists on our client's account here.)

  8. Go LIVE

  9. Infographics

  10. Ask for feedback

  11. Interesting statistics about your companies product/service

  12. Facebook polls

  13. How-To’s or DIY tutorials

  14. Twitter chats

  15. Instastory takeover (Have an influencer or even an employee do an Instastory takeover for a new perspective.)

  16. User generated content (#regram the best content your tagged in.)

  17. Inspiration quotes (See how we do it here.)

  18. Customer testimonials

  19. Throwback posts

  20. Swipe up links (If you have more than 10k Instagram followers, you should most definitely be using your swipe up instastory feature. This allows you to direct Instastory viewers to your website.)

  21. Tag shoppable products on Instagram and Facebook (Shopify and other e-commerce sites allow you to tag your products on Instagram content which shows the price and leads customers to the exact page where they can purchase.)

  22. Lastly, VIDEO! (Create short, professional videos of your products/services to distribute on all social media platforms. This is the quickest way to grab attention in 2020.)

Which content idea will you add to your calendar? Let us know below!


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